By Sherman Wang (汪醒民)
Research Publications
- Xing-Min Wang, Xiao-Tong Song and Peng-Cheng Yin:
The Hadron Structure Functions in the Bag Model and Their Modifications,
Hadronic J. 6 (1983) 985 ,
also in Changchung School 1983:716 (QCD161:I851:1983)
- Xing-Min Wang, Xiao-Tong Song and Peng-Cheng Yin:
The Collective Motion of the Bag and the Nucleon Structure
Functions (in Chinese ),
Phys. Energ. Fort. Phys. Nucl. 6 (1982) 560-569.
- Xing-Min Wang, Xiao-Tong Song and Peng-Cheng Yin:
The Regge Correction and the Scaling Violation of Hadron
Structure Functions in Bag Model (in Chinese),
Phys. Energ. Fort. Phys. Nucl. 7 (1983) 160-169.
- Xing-Min Wang and Peng-Cheng Yin:
Boosted Bag and Nucleon EM Form Factors,
Phys. Lett. 140B (1984) 250-252 .
- Xing-Min Wang:
The Center-of-mass Bag Model and the Lorentz Boost,
Phys. Lett. 140B (1984) 413-416 .
- Xing-Min Wang:
The Feynman Rules of Collective Bag-quark current and Hadron
Time-like Structure Functions (in Chinese),
Phys. Energ. Fort. Phys. Nucl. 8 (1984) 148-157.
- Xing-Min Wang, Peng-Cheng Yin and Zong-Chao Yan:
Feynman Rules in the CM Bag Model, Effective Bag Radius,
Scaling violation and EMC Effect,
Phys. Lett. B174 (1986) 434-440.
- Zong-Chao Yan, Xing-Min Wang and Peng-Cheng Yin:
The EMC Effect and the Effective Bag Radius (in Chinese),
Phys. Energ. Fort. Phys. Nucl. 10 (1986) 277-282,
also in: Chinese Physics 7 (1987) 107-112.
- Xing-min Wang:
Two Loop renormalization Group Corrections in SO(10) Axion
Models and Proton Lifetime,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. A4 (1989) 607-615.
- Xing-Min Wang:
Three Generation Superstring Models with Z_3 R-Symmetry,
Nucl. Phys. B443 (1990) 129-151.
- B .R. Greene, M. R. Plesser, E. Rusjan and Xing-min Wang:
Gauge Symmetry Breaking in Superconformal Orbifolds,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A6 (1991) 591.
- Xing-Min Wang:
Identification of Gepner's Model with Twisted LG Model
and E_6 Singlets,
Mod. Phys. Lett. A6 (1991) 2155.
- Q, Shafi, B. Ananthanayayan and X.M. Wang:
Improved Predictions for top quark, lightest supersymmetric
particle, and Higgs scalar masses
Phys. Rev. D50(1994) 5880-5084 .
- Xing Min Wang and Xiaotong Song:
The Center-of-mass of a few-body Quantum System in an Effective
Central Field
Phys. Rev. C51 (1995) 2750-2756 .
Web-based Publications
- Two Java applets have been included in the CD-ROM for "Contemporary College Physics "
(third edition, McGraw-Hill, 1999)
- Three packs of Java applets in physics 2D/3D simulations,
all rated top 5% by www.jars.com
- A popular Java applet "Build Your Own Satellites"
for The Tech Museum of Innovation in San Jose
as a gift from Lockheed Martin, rated one of top five 1998 Web sites for kids
by www.surfnetkids.com
- A VRML 3D Pack , one rated top 5% by
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