Nowadays, to develop ,
people are facing more and more choices. On the client side,
the most current option is HTML5 + CSS3 + JavaScript (H5-C3-JS). Because almost all modern web browsers
(used by both desktop and mobile devises) support web pages written in H5-C3-JS, while heavy client side tools like Java applets,
Adobe Flex and Microsoft Silverlight are gradually phased out
(see ).
But web pages are usually dynamically generated (partially or fully) by using different languages or platforms or toolkits on server side. For example, I have used Java-JSP, PHP, Python-CGI and Perl-CGI
for various projects at various times. Therefore, to generate pages in H5-C3-JS, one has to make yet another choice (or choices) among different languages, toolkits and frameworks.
A few introductory demos can be seen below or at: )