Sherman Visual Lab: Science Studio
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Science Studio
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Physics Lab
Computer Science
Math & Quantum Physics
Welcome to Sherman Science Studio
Quantum Physics and Quantum Computation
1: Entropy Gain and Information Loss by Measurements (Preprint, ArXiv, 28 Aug 2019)
2: Reduced Matrix, Operator Chain and IO Kets: New Formats to Demystify Quantum Logic Circuits (Preprint, ResearchGate, Dec 2019)
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Physics Lab
to see simulations using Swing/Java2D.
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my VMRL Lab
to see simulations using VRML 2.0
Note: To see these simulations using VRML, you must use a PC and install VRML plug-in, like:
Cortona VRML Client
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Build Your Own Satellite
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Mathematical Physics
Computer Science
Probability Bracket Motation and Probability Modeling,
Information Retrieval (IR), Artificial Intelligence (AI)...
1: Dirac Notation, Fock Space and Riemann Metric Tensor in IR Models
2: Probability Bracket Notation, Probability Vectors, Markov Chains and Stochestic Processes
3: Induced Hilbert Space, Markov Chain, Diffusion Map and Fock Space in Thermophysics
4: From Dirac Notation to Probability Bracket Notation: Term Vector Space, Concept Fock Space and Probabilistic IR Models
5: Probability Bracket Notation: Probability Space, Conditional Expectation and Introductory Martingales
6: From Dirac Notation to Probability Bracket Notation: Time Evolution and Path Integral under Wick Rotations
7: Probability Bracket Notation: Term Vector Space, Concept Fock Space and Induced Probabilistic IR Models
8: Probability Bracket Notation, Multivariable Systems and Static Bayesian Networks
9: Probability Bracket Notation: Markov State Chain Projector, Hidden Markov Models and Dynamic Bayesian Networks
More to come, please visit us again!
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